So what is a Technological System?

Year 8 Food Technology students concentrate carefully as they evaluate a technological system.

During the first unit back in Food Technology for 2016, Year 8 students work in their groups to make a Snack Attack platter.

Sensory science experiments are carried out, with a focus on texture and smell. 

Students then individually create their own fruit turnover and complete comparison sensory testing of home made and processed custard.

In their groups, students select a technological system (food machine) and are required to describe how it functions. They then use the system to create a food product and evaluate how successful the machine is.

The final task for students is to complete the design process to be able to produce their own baked potato. When writing recipes, we focus on using the correct measurement, abbreviations and making sure our method is clear and detailed.

It is expected that all students will keep their Food Technology Learning Journal updated in their Google Drive.
