It's Great to be Back!

Tahuna students have returned to school happy to be back - enjoying catching up with their classmates and friends. The school has quickly returned to business pretty much as normal at Level 2 with classes reconnecting in person with their teachers and learning programmes. Thank you to everyone that makes up Team Tahuna for helping us to keep our learning programmes going throughout the lockdown.

With the sudden announcement of lockdown our distance learning programmes went online virtually straight away. Classroom teachers moved smoothly to online mode continuing their learning programmes and maintained a strong connection with their students. Overall, the adjustment to lockdown was really smooth and well handled by our staff. As we did last year and at the beginning of the year we are reviewing our distance learning programmes so that we provide the very best programmes that we can for our students if a lockdown occurs again. If you would like to provide some feedback please use this form.

Unfortunately many of the planned activities for the term have been cancelled or have been postponed until later in the year and we will keep you posted on the planned future events on our calendar.

Ngā mihi

Tony Hunter
