School Rules

  1.  School rules are necessary and to be obeyed. Rule breakers to be dealt with.School rules are necessary and to be obeyed. Rule breakers to be dealt with.
  2. Fighting, bullying, unacceptable body contacting and verbal put downs are forbidden.
  3. Sports equipment should be used outside classrooms and away from buildings and boundary fences. If property is damaged because of rule breaking, then a contribution towards replacement costs is be made.
  4. Children should not be at school until 8:25a.m. Before this time supervision is not available.  
  5. Children must have teacher permission to leave the school during scheduled times.
  6. No large sums of money or other valuables to be brought to school unless absolutely necessary for a specific day. In this instance the item/s will be held in the school office or teacher for that day.
  7. Cell phones are not to be used at school at any time. They must be checked in to the teacher at the beginning of the day and taken away from school at the conclusion of the day. Students who are using cell phones at school will have them confiscated and parents will be asked to pick them up from the office.
  8. No chewing gum, lollies or fizzy drink is to be brought to school by students.
  9. Corridors, cloak bays, toilets and stairs are not meeting or eating places.
  10. Children must not enter another classroom without teacher permission.
  11. All movement around the school is to be carried out in a quiet and orderly manner.
  12. The full school uniform should be named and worn proudly at all times. The Tahuna sports uniform is to be worn for physical activities.
  13. No make-up or jewellery, except for one or two small plain stud earring per ear, to be worn.
  14. Bicycles and scooters are not to be ridden in the school grounds. Bike sheds are out of bounds during the school day.