Te Taiopeka
Te Taiopeka Whanau (The Group by the Sea) is the name of the Tahuna Normal Intermediate Whanau Group that meet regularly to discuss Maori issues as they relate to both our students and the school as a whole. It is open to all school members and is an opportunity to share ideas and plan for the future of our students. Meetings are usually held on a Wednesday evening, once a term and future dates are advertised in the Tahuna Newsletter.

Roopu Kapa Haka
Te Taiopeka meet every Friday. There are approximately 150 Tahuna students who wish to sing a wide range of waiata, to haka and to enjoy participating in aspects of Maori performance. From this group a select roopu regularly perform at school and community events throughout Dunedin. Te Taiopeka also has strong links with our other performance groups, Samoan and Cook Island.

Aotearoa Maori
Friday Afternoon in Terms Two and Three is set aside for all students not involved in Kapa haka to learn about Nga Mea Maori (Things Maori) and New Zealand History and Culture (Aotearoa). In Year 7. The focus is on Te Reo (Speaking and pronunciation) and in Year 8 Tikanga (Culture and Customs).

Here you will find an overview of events and activities that Tahuna students are involved in or have been involved in during the current year. This will include dates and names for upcoming activities that students in the school will be participating in.
- Polyfest
- Marae Week
- Te Reo Maori Language week
- Matariki
- Te Taiopeka Events and performances
- Whanau Hui dates
Ngā Mea Māori Elective
Posted: Sunday May 12, 2019
The students above enjoy their first session of Ngā Mea Māori Elective.
Tahuna School Haka
Posted: Sunday September 17, 2017
Do you know the history and meaning behind our Tahuna school Haka? Read below to find out more about its journey.
Te Taiopeka Whanau Hui
Posted: Thursday June 9, 2016
It was great to see some new faces at our hui last term. We are always keen to see new whanau and share ideas. Nau mai, ...
Te Taiopeka Whanau Hui
Posted: Saturday March 12, 2016
Great discussions and looking forward to some really exciting things for our school.