Winter Uniform Reminders

Pride and appearance goes hand in hand with standards, building self-esteem and confidence. The colder weather has arrived so here are some reminders about our winter uniform.

Winter Months

Long sleeve polyprop or merino undergarments, preferably navy in colour to fit in with our uniform. Canterbury Navy track pants may be worn to and from school in the winter months but must be taken off on arrival at school unless they are being worn for PE.  Any suitable winter jacket can be worn over the top of the school jacket while travelling to and from school. Navy tights can be worn under the uniform skirt/skorts (not leggings).

P.E Gear

P.E gear including a pair of appropriate sports shoes is to be carried to school everyday. This uniform is for P.E. sessions only; students must change out of their P.E gear before leaving school at the end of the day. PE tops should be cleaned regularly for hygiene reasons. Tahuna hoodies may be worn over P.E. tops too.

Naming Uniform

It is essential that all items of clothing be named. A huge amount of lost property is handed in to the office daily, and can be returned to it’s owner if named.
