Movie Maths!

Room 9 student, Sam Stoddart, took his maths unit to the next level, creating a movie night for his entire family.

Room 9 were given a 'PopCorn Maths' unit to complete during week 2 of online learning. Throughout this unit, students focused on measurement, volume and capacity using standard and non standard units. One of the tasks was to solve how much popcorn (in Litres) they would need for their entire family to indulge in a serving at the movies. The final task was looking at nets and creating and designing their very own popcorn boxes. 

Sam thrived in this unit and ended up planning a full movie experience at home for his whānau to enjoy. He created the invitations himself, decorated the lounge and made his own popcorn! Looks like a fantastic movie set up Sam, ka pai on your effort and success! What an excellent idea :)
