Year 7 Swimming
Year 7 swimming will commence week 2 next term.
Next term all Year 7's will be going to Moana pool. Students will be having a 30 minute swimming lesson with Justswim and a 30 minutes activity run by the Year 7 Teachers.
Each team will require 4-6 parents to accompany and possibly assist in the water. If you are able to come along and assist please email your child's class teacher directly.
Children will need their swimming togs, towel and goggles each week. If you have any spare togs or goggles to donate please send these along with your child. Please ask your child which team they are in. Below are the swimming dates.
Team 1 Tuesday 2/08, 9/08, 16/08, 23/08, 30/08, 6/09, 13/09
Team 3 Wednesday 3/08, 10/08, 17/08, 24/08, 31/08, 7/09, 14/09
Team 2 Thursday 4/08, 11/08, 18/08, 25/08, 1/09, 8/09, 15/09