Introducing Room 12!
Room 12 (Miss Leonard) a year 8 class and most of us are sporty! We love the game 'Stop' (a game a bit like cricket but it takes too long to explain), and even last year when we were in Room 8 with Mr. J we were the year 7 winners. We are all very enthusiastic about learning and sport this year, and keen to try our best!!
Our first homework assignment was to find weird and wacky facts from around the world: Here follows our best ones!
- This one could really twist your brain.... kitkats are made of rejected crushed up kitkats!: Allegra Huband- Watson
- There are more life forms living on your skin then there are people on the planet:
- People who go to bed later are likely to be more intelligent: Samuel McCormack
- A single cloud can weigh more than one million pounds!:
- Anyone from Canada can order a portrait of the queen and get it shipped to them for free: Maia Hodges
- Light doesn't really travel 'at the speed of light', the slowest we've ever recorded light moving is at 30mph: Luca Frew
- Nowhere in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it say that Humpty Dumpty is an egg: Emily Gray
- If you farted constantly for 6 years, 9 months enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb! Allegra Huband- Watson.
- Hippotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a fear of long words: Emily Gray
- Coca Cola would be green if colouring were't added to it!: Allegra Huband- Watson
**Disclaimer: some of these may not be able to be proven.