What's happening in Term 4?

This term we have started to talk about Positive Puberty. We talked about the importance of respecting our classmates and what is discussed in class stays in class. Every afternoon we would sit as a class and watch some videos and take quizzes on what we have learnt. We would name body parts and the changes that are happening between both girls and boys. At the start of each lesson Miss Bates has been reading questions that we wrote out of the question box and answering them. 

We also got a new student teacher, Miss Capil, she is very nice and we are excited to have her work with our class for the next 3 weeks. We hope she has a nice time in our class.

In week two we started Bike School. We learn all the signals and little tips and tricks you need to know. Some groups have gone riding around the block. We have started learning waiata and the school haka si we are ready for Week 6. In this week we will be learning some new Māori games and myth and legends. We also have a Ki O rahi and haka competition that we are all looking forward to! Most of all we are looking forward to the hangi!

Overall It has been a great start back at school and we are ready for the rest of the term! 

By Eliza Edwards