Principal News

Thank you to all of the students who contributed to our successful Open Night.

We're thrilled that our recent open night was a resounding success! The school looked fantastic, and the energy was truly inspiring. If your child was one of our student ambassadors, we hope you're incredibly proud of them. A special well done to Lucie and Sam, who did an amazing job presenting to a crowd of over 600 people, a feat that would challenge even many adults!

Spread the Word!

While we don't invest heavily in traditional marketing, we believe in the power of word-of-mouth, especially within the Dunedin community. If you know families interested in enrolling at Tahuna Normal Intermediate for 2025, please encourage them to apply by September 13th. We're also offering a $200 voucher from the uniform shop for one lucky family who enrols by September 1st!

Celebrating Winter Sports Success!

We're delighted to celebrate the achievements of our winter sports teams! Congratulations to all the students who participated in the season, especially those who made it to the finals. We extend our gratitude to all parents, teachers, and volunteers who support our sports programme, and a special thank you to Eilish, our dedicated sports coordinator, for her tireless efforts in organising everything.

Time for a Rest!

As the winter sports season wraps up, we encourage parents to take a well-deserved break from taxi duty and enjoy some restful weekends. We'll see you again soon as we gear up for the summer competitions!

Nga mihi

Simon Clarke
