Establishing a safe mathematical environment.
As a subject Maths can cause some students to worry, but we're working hard to make maths fun, engaging, creative and hands on for everyone.
To launch our maths programme in Room 1 we've had some really rich and honest discussions about past experiences with maths (good, bad and a mix), what sort of maths environment the students want and what that will look and sound like.
We also made a collage and created a mathematical learning environment around student voice.
Some of the key messages are:
+ Everyone can learn maths to a high level
+ No one is born with a maths brain
+ Having a growth mindset is a key element of success in any learning area
+ The brain is a muscle that grows as we use it and push ourselves
+ Speed is not important with maths - slow and deep thinking is
In Room 1 our aim for maths to be a fun, creative, challenging, hands-on and making links to real life skills.