Team 5's full of rubbish? 🤷

How much rubbish does Team 5 accumulate over two days?

Team 5 decided to take a closer look at the rubbish we are producing in our classes to help answer the PBL question "How can we as waste management agents, reduce waste at our school?".

As a team, we collected 2 days' worth of rubbish to sort and find what were the main contributors in our bins.

We then predicted what types of rubbish we might see in our bins. We then made a list of the types of rubbish and then predicted what percentage that type might make up. Our predictions were that plastic, food wrappers and food scraps would make up the highest percentage of rubbish. After organising the waste into categories and then subcategories we found that our predictions were correct and that food wrappers and scraps were the main culprits. We also found that snack wrappers were the most common. 

Next week we are going to analyse this data into graphs to help us understand which specific items we need to reduce moving forward.

Now our class will start thinking about solutions to help us reduce this plastic and paper rubbish!
