Marae week 2017
Tikanga and Te Reo shone last week as the Year 7's held their Marae week.
Last week Tahuna was turned into a Marae as the Year 7 students came together to learn about and celebrate Tikanga and Te Reo Maori.
There were many opportunities for the students to practice their mihi as we held a formal welcome on Monday and then throughout the week the students learnt about the protocols for a powhiri finishing off and lifting the tapu with a shared lunch.
Harakeke weaving was very successful and all the students made some item to wear. This could have been a sash, wrist, arm or headband. We would like to thank Whaea Karyn for taking the lead on this activity.
Tukutuku panels are being finished off in class this week. The students have done very well using symbolism to depict a picture, scene or memory.
There were some very innovative haka and poi performances last week. It was fantastic to see the students up on the stage promoting and enjoying their performances. The performances were of a very high standard. Congratulations to the winning classes.
We would like to thank all the Year 8 Tuakana who helped us throughout the week. We would also like to thank all the Whaea who came to share their expertise with us.
The hangi was amazing. It was well prepared and plenty of food for all. A very early start was had by some staff and students to ensure the successful cooking of our lunch.
A big thank you to Mr J for organising such a great week for the Year 7's.
As the year draws to a close I would like to thank all the parents and caregivers who have helped the Year 7's throughout the year. Have a safe and restful summer break. Meri Kirihimete.