Samoan Language Week
Mrs Alofa Lale was our Guest Speaker for Samoan Language Week.
On Tuesday, Mrs Alofa Lale, kindly returned to our school to address most of our staff and students on an introductory session to the Samoan language. She greeted us with"Talofa" and went on to explain the Samoan Alphabet, the pronunciation and why some letters had to be added. We heard about famous Samoans and other aspects of Samoan ettiquette.
After sitting cross legged, students were taught the various ways of clapping and the importance of being focused when finished. Mrs Lale then told a delightful legend on Sina and the Eel, which explained how the coconut came to Samoa. We then looked at all the various ways the coconut is used throughout the Pacific and how, when turned, it can also look like the face of an eel. We enjoyed seeing all her artefacts made from the different parts of a coconut.
Most memorable would be her message of being proud of your name, especially if you are from another culture and ensure your name is correctly pronounced by staff. When Mrs Lale shared her own schooling experience and finding her own cultural identity, this saddened the students but gave a real insight into the importance of celebrating different cultures and having a Samoan Language week in NZ. Fa'afetai.