All Hands On Deck Racing Marbles!
This term we have been creating a statistical investigation in pairs. The criteria was, it had to be a numerical investigation, and show the data using at least three different graphs. Then we had to analyse the graphs and explain what the data told us. We had two weeks to come up with a question we could investigate, collect the information and present the data on a poster or google slide. Mrs McBride and Mr Min ran workshops on things like how to make a Pie graph, how to analyse a graph, and what are stem and leaf charts?
It has been really fun so far! The igniter to this lesson was a mini statistical investigation called marble run. We had to find the best angle for the marble to go the furthest distance. We started the marble at different levels around the roo, using a range of different objects to see the maximum and minimum amount of distance travelled. It was really interesting learning how to use a protractor properly by having lots of fun.
Sam McGee