Olympic PBL with Team Four
Rooms 15, 16 and 21 have had a blast learning about the the Olympic games and planning our very own event to share with the ākonga at St Clair Primary School.
Our driving question for our latest Year 8 PBL was: “How can we collectively design an Olympic-styled sport/game to celebrate our social, cultural and connected communities?” What a fun inquiry this was. As students, we had the opportunity to learn about the values, events and athletes who dedicate their lives to competing in the Summer Olympics and the Paralympics. After following the PBL inquiry process we all designed, tested and developed our very own olympic event. We got to share our games with our local primary schools. The feedback from the St Clair students, was fantastic! Classe at St Clair were gifted the equipment so they can continue to play our original games! We all enjoyed being physically active and contributing to our local community schools.
Students of Room 21