Critical feedback from our PBL expert
This week Hannah Geary brought her performing arts experience back to Tahuna to help develop our pantomime.
Our show is taking shape with our acting, sound/light, costume, make up, prop, choreography and set design teams working hard to bring our vision to life.
A key part of the design process is to test the prototype and look for improvements, moving the design forward into a new iteration.
We have already received feedback from our head of performing arts at Tahuna which has helped a great deal.
Hannah watched a rehearsal of the show providing key feedback such as:
+ ideas for new props
+ using the stage space more effectively
+ displaying our sets in more effective ways
+ projecting our voices
+ bigger movements from the actors and the dancer
and much, much, much more....
Up next is another round of critical feedback from our Y8 buddy class, changes made and rehearsals so we are ready for show time with our audience (clients) in week 8.
Exciting times ahead. Thank you for your help Hannah!