ICAS exams - coming up next term

If you are looking for an extension academic opportunity for your child, ICAS exams are a great option.

The 2021 Tahuna ICAS exams are coming up and will be sat in August this year.

Now is the time to start thinking about which subjects your child could enter before we order them at the end of this term. Information on signing up for the exams will be delivered through the school notice system. If your child doesn't receive any sign up information please contact me via email: shannonbrawley@tahuna.school.nz.

ICAS exams are sat in over 40 different countries worldwide, giving your child the opportunity to see where they stack up internationally against other students of the same age. 

The exams are offered in: English, Mathematics, Science, Digital Technologies, Writing and Spelling.

The exams cost $18.40 to sit with the exception of Writing which is $24.73. 

Once students have signed up, they will be given payment information and will then be provided with practise material for their chosen exam.

Last year we had excellent results with several credit, merit and distinction awards and two high distinction awards (Aimee Fraser in English and Aidan Blakie in Spelling).

Please contact me via the email above if you have any further questions.