Principal News
For the last two years, we have been conducting a trial with how we have been teaching mathematics.
The programme is called Prime Mathematics, and it is based on the successful Singaporean education system and backed by noted New Zealand educator Lester Flockton.
We started the trial with a small group of Year 7 students in 2021 who provided good feedback and showed improved results. We decided this year to extend the programme to 6 out of 9 Year 8 classes.
As you can see from the graph in the picture, it is pleasing to see that all classes made significant improvements this year. But it is obvious that the students involved in the Prime Math programme made even greater progress.
This information, along with evidence of student and teacher voice, was presented to the Board of Trustees at their last meeting, and they have agreed to roll this out to all classes in 2024.
There are a number of differences between what we do now and the Prime programme, but the most obvious difference is that the students have a workbook they work from. This can be handy as a parent as you can easily see what they are working on and, perhaps more importantly, what new learning they may have coming up. These workbooks will make up part of the stationery fee for next year, and they cost approximately $15.
I must stress however, that the Prime programme is just part of a balanced mathematics programme and that the workbooks will be used alongside a more traditional mathematics exercise book. Students will still experience the teaching of problem-solving, basic facts and several other mathematical concepts and skills that Prime doesn't cover.
Please have a close look at the article called Community Consultation. The Board would appreciate feedback on our current and proposed programmes. This will help them complete the new Strategic Plan for 2024 and beyond.
With only three weeks of school remaining, it is important that we all work together to ensure we have a successful end to the year. It would be extremely helpful if you could help us maintain our school rules and expectations before they leave the house. Make sure they are wearing the formal uniform, including shoes. We are starting to see several shoes and hoodies that do not meet our expectations, likewise for jewellery. It is much easier if they come to school wearing the right clothes so we don't have to correct them.
Ka mihi nui
Simon Clarke