Cooking up a storm at camp
French toast, fried eggs, scrambled and boiled. Eggs anyway was a big hit.
Room 20-The Lab headed out to camp last week for 3 days of adventure, science and some sleeping.
We started off our camp with a walk along the Outram Glen track. There was a large number of quality skimming stones at the river and the best skim was 6 bounces and made it 3/4 of the way across the river.
Following our walk we drove to camp to unpack and try out the waterslide. After a few failed attempts to get any sliding we changed the angle and our speed. This made a huge difference and some of us made it off the end of the slide.
Setting up the tents was a little challenging, especially when the fly and the door were going in opposite directions. It was like the inward outward spell in Wizards of Waverley Place!
Cooking was an exciting time and everyone had a go on the camp cookers. We were responsible for cooking our nachos, pancakes, burgers and then eggs on the last day. French toast was a big hit!
On Monday night we had the star lab, telescopes and a trip to the glow worms. We watched as the newly launched satellites travelled towards and through Orion's belt. Amedao explained how these satellites would affect night time photography as it takes 30 seconds of exposure to take a night sky photo. With the satellites moving past so consistently all we would end up with would be a line of light.
We would like to thank all our camp parents and teachers who made our camp fun.