Dunedin Schools Triathlon!
On Wednesday, 9 Tahuna students went to Port Chalmers to compete in the Dunedin Schools Triathlon and we has some excellent results!!
Well done to everyone who participated in the triatlon: Jack Soal, Thea Davis, Issy Brown, Hazel McDermott, Taylor McLean, Jorja Gibbons, Kaila Geeves, Laura Mulholland, and Paddy Mulholland.
The triathlon consisted of a 2.5km run, 6km bike and 153m swim.
We had some fantastic results!
Paddy Tyrrell - 2nd Place Year 7 Boys
Tahuna Albatross Team (Jorja Gibbons, Kaila Geeves, Laura Mulholland) - 5th Place Year 7 Girls
All my nerves and thoughts rushed through my head as I walked up to the start line. I didn’t know if I could do it. I didn’t know if I would finish the gigantic triathlon that had a 2.5km run, 6km bike and a 153m swim. We were all waiting on the start line for a while for the race to start, all the suspense was building up like a gigantic tower. The starter person said what was going to happen, “5,4,3,2,1 and bang the race will start,” he announced. He began to count down from 5, it felt like minutes for him to count down. Bang the race had started! I ran up to the front pack while all the parents and teachers screamed for their kids. I could tell none of the racers could hear their parents because it all sounded like a huge mess. I make it up to the hill with people on my tail. I pounded it reasonably fast up the hill and turn round at the top coming down the hill as fast as I can. I run out onto the concrete and start to run the two laps of the block. It felt like it took hours to run it. I make it into transition and take my bike off the rack. I run it up the hill to the mount line and jump on my bike and start riding as fast as I can. I can’t tell if the two people ahead of me are in teams or individual. I assume that one of them is in a team because I didn’t see them in the run. I make it up to the downhill and go down that as fast as I can. After pedaling for ages my legs turn to jelly but I push through the pain. I’m at the turn around line and I skid around the corner and pedal off as fast as I can. I make it to the uphill and push through using all my muscles to the full extent and lower the gears to make it a touch easier. Thankfully I make it all the way up and push through all the way to the dismount line. I race my bike down the hill and drop it. Racing, I put my goggles on and take my shoes, socks and top off. I sprint up to the corner and race around it as fast as I can and into the pool. I walk as fast as I can and get told to slow down. I jump into the pool and swim as fast as I can for the five laps with someone behind me. They overtake me and I try to keep up but my legs, arms and breathing don’t take my side. I run out of the pool and cross the finish line seven seconds after 1st place. I fall onto the ground and drink my whole water bottle. The race is over.
2nd place secured!
By Paddy Tyrrell Room 19