Remuera Exchange 2017

Sunday May 28th to Saturday June 3rd 

Flights - BE EARLY PLEASE - Assemble at 1:30pm

Sunday 29th May Leave Dunedin on NZ674 at 2:45pm / Arrive Auckland 4:30pm

Saturday 3 June Leave Auckland on NZ675 at 12:25 Arrive Dunedin 2:15


I Phones/Devices/Cameras are the responsibility of the owner not the teachers.

2 Medication to be clearly labeled for the host family.

3 Small gift for host family would be appreciated.

4 Spending money should be kept to a reasonable level. As all activities, transport and lunches are covered in your trip costs or supplied by host family. Children will only require money for incidentals and the $10 for the movies at Sylvia Park.

Please discuss spending on gifts to bring home to family, as this can be a real cost.

5 Please check that children do NOT pack scissors, nail files ,compasses and

and the like in their cabin baggage. This has happened in the past! (No pencil cases needed!!!)

6 Baggage allowance is 23 Kg per person.

7 Children are asked to wear mufti and not uniform for the trip on Sunday.

8 We keep stressing that they must move about in Auckland with a buddy or a

group. (Could you please discuss the importance of this with your child)