Principal News
We have had a very focused energy over the last three weeks. It has been great to see children getting involved in lots of extracurricular activities, camps and new experiences. But perhaps more importantly I have been very impressed with the focus in the classrooms, especially during our "golden hours." Tahuna Intermediate is a busy place, and that is part of its strength, but we have allocated two hours a day, our "golden hours" where we put restrictions on interruptions so that we can focus on our literacy and numeracy programmes. I have really enjoyed visiting classrooms other the last three weeks and looking at the interesting and personalised programmes the teachers are delivering.
In property news, the Board of Trustees were pleased to see one of their strategic goals achieved. The library has been relocated to a larger, more attractive space and set up for children to take pleasure from the books they are reading. Classrooms will be regularly scheduled to visit, and it will be open for the whole week during break times for children to enjoy. With so many other tools and activities available to children, I have seen a considerable decline in the number of children who read purely for pleasure. I believe that reading is arguably the most essential skill for children to have as it opens them to all other learning. Any chance that you can encourage your child to read for pleasure, please take it.
After years of delays, the covered outside courts are starting to see signs of life. It is hoped that this will be ready for the start of Term 2 and will provide a valuable addition to our already outstanding facilities and be a real asset for our school, especially during the few wet days we get each winter!
No one was more pleased to see the first truck roll in than our Deputy Principal, Roddy Scoles, who has put a tremendous amount of time and effort into getting this project off the ground. We will be the only school south of Blenheim with such a facility.
Ka mihi nui
Simon Clarke