The Vision 20/20 Project is a research collaboration between Otago Polytechnic, the University of Otago, and Tahuna Normal Intermediate School. The team includes an optometrist, product designers, occupational therapists, and of course the teachers and students at Tahuna
What did we do in 2019?
· Child-to-child vision screening toolkit: we designed and tested a child-to-child vision screening toolkit with the Year 7 children at Tahuna, so children could screen each other’s vision in the classroom. This involved multiple visits to Tahuna, with children testing the toolkit and providing feedback. This collaborative process and the expertise of those involved ensured that the toolkit is accurate in screening vision, visually appealing, and user-friendly.
· Media:
o The Otago Daily Times wrote an article and filmed a video on our Vision 2020 project at Tahuna
What does our test measure?
· Using “tumbling E’s” (the letter “E” pointing in different directions), our test looks at both regular and low-contrast vision in each eye. It is designed to pick up children with distance vision problems (myopia) and/or visual perceptual difficulties, which may manifest as attention and behaviour problems. As it is a vision screen, children who do not “pass” are referred to an optometrist for a more detailed eye examination.
What did we find in 2019?
· 25 children required referral to an optometrist for further vision testing.
· 24 children were meant to be wearing glasses at school but weren’t.
· Currently 8 of the 25 children that were recommended to go to an optometrist have gone.
What have we been doing in 2020?
· Vision Health Module: we integrated the child-to-child vision screening into a “Vision Health Module”. This teaching package gives children the opportunity to learn about parts of the eye and their function, eye conditions and eye health, and forms part of the science and health curricula. For example, children learn about fair testing concepts as part of the vision screening process. In March, the Year 7 teachers trialled our first draft of this module with their students in 3 x 1-hour sessions. Most children had their vision screened; however, lockdown prevented the screening being completed and meant results letters were not able to be sent home to parents. This will happen as soon as possible.
· Parent interviews: we have also been talking with parents about their experiences of vision screening, including how feasible it is for them to take their children to the optometrist. We want to understand any barriers parents face so we can work to minimise these. So far, we have talked to 9 parents, and it has been really interesting hearing their stories and ideas!
What’s happening next?
· Parent interviews: in particular, we would like to hear from parents whose children have been referred to the optometrist; however, we would like to talk to as many parents as possible, with a variety of experiences. Your child doesn’t need to wear glasses and can be in Year 7 or 8. Interviews are an informal chat, take up to 30 minutes and can be done over the phone. If you can help us, please email Sarah
· Improving the Vision Health Module: we are working to collect feedback from teachers and students about the Vision Health Module trial so together we can develop it further. We then hope to re-test our new and improved version with some classes (Covid-19 dependent!).
· Website development: we are developing a website/Facebook page to be able to provide further information to parents and other interested parties. Watch this space for updates!