Science has hit Tahuna!

This term our inquiry topic for Year 8's is Chemistry and we have called in Dr Dave from the University to come help teach us about solids, liquids and gases.

We will be looking at:

 - What's in a fair test

- Density

- The science behind Oobleck, 

- Making scientific icecream

- C02 sandwich

This year all Year 7 and Year 8 will be required to complete a fair test for the Tahuna Science fair and create a display board with their findings. This can be done in pairs.

Students will be given a information booklet and teachers will be explaining the process of this in class.

This will be due in end of term 2 as the Tahuna science fair is 2nd of August

Otago Science fair is 7th August.

Display boards can be picked up at the warehouse stationary for $12.99 - $16.00

Tahuna will be selling them (coloured) for $12 and (white with a header ($15).
