Writing In Room 9
This week for writing, Room 9 were given the above prompt, and the challenge to write a 100 WORD ONLY story on the prompt. They were asked to use strong adjectives and language features to paint a picture of what is happening. Read some of the stories below. Bored at home? Give it a go! There are also a range of prompts on https://100wc.net/ :)
The stone giant lazily awoke from his rest. A lot has changed since he was last out. The world had a slight yellow tinge to the sky. The world was warm too warm. The giant was outraged and cursed the year with a deadly virus in January which would travel the world, killing all who came in contact, hoping that during this time the earth could heal her wounds. But somebody up above saw the giants curse and put a spell on it to weaken the curse, which spread around at an alarming rate. 2020 will go down in history badly.
~ Olivia Duffy
I lift up the heavy blanket of soil with the last of my strength. My eyes squint at the brightness of the shining silky sky. I rest my head on my arm and close my eyes. A painfully loud shriek pierces the warm air. I open my eyes and stare at the place I ended up. I retreat slightly into my home. After studying the source of the horrifying shriek, I realise where I am. “The land of the tiny” Yes, that is what they called it. This place was full of annoying things they like to call themselves ….. humans.
~ Adam Salisbury
There is a big stone statue coming out of the ground.
There was a sickening ripping noise.
A loud trembling sound like an earthquake.
Ground moving.
A very loud roar!
Everyone that heard it was in a panic.
The people in the palace saw the ginormous stone statue.
The statues appearance was unexpected.
The face of the stone statue was mossy, huge, and scary.
The rest of the stone statue was the same as the face.
The stone statue came crashing at the palace.
It completely destroyed the palace so nothing was standing.
Then it went under the grass blanket.
~ Jamal Millar
My name is Dave, a giant that is very lonely and has no one to be friends with, so I decided to live in front of a bright and shining castle. I just want a friend, so I knock on the window to see if anyone was there and there was a lonely little girl. She had ocean blue eyes and a yellow dress that looked like the sun shining. "Hello," said the little girl, "what is your name?" And those words hit me, I was going to have a friend. I mumbled "m m my name is Dave, I live in your garden." I didn't know what to say, I couldn't lie or the guards will take me, so we kept it a secret. We became really good friends and we always play together she was my bff and I was her bff.
~ Rhiannon Schroder