Education Perfect Championship Winners

This term students have been offered opportunities to test their curriculum knowledge against others at Tahuna and around the world.

So far this term we have had a Languages Championship where students showcased and developed their language skills - a huge ngā mihi to Max Hodges, Fangyi Li and Lorna Watts who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively. Tahuna placed 59th in Australasia and 22nd in Aotearoa for this championship!

Also we've recently just wrapped up the Education Perfect ANZ Maths Championship where Tahuna placed 7th in Aotearoa for schools with a roll of between 500-1,000. Ngā mihi to Connor Horne, Abi Crowley and Menzie Saker who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Wonderful results! So great to see so many Tahuna ākonga looking to challenge and extend themselves academically.

Keep an ear out in the notices for the upcoming Education Perfect English Championship.
