Performing Arts at Tahuna under Red Alert Level

We are keeping our fingers crossed that we can go ahead with all of our Performing Arts groups in Term 2.

Performing Arts at Tahuna

Performing arts at Tahuna are valued and driven to a high standard. We have an inclusive participation criteria for all areas. It is only when performance numbers are limited e.g Stars on Stage and Taiōpeka Performance group, that we have an audition process.

Usually our electives cover Dance and Boy’s Performance groups.. These electives normally start in Term 2.

Choir and Taiōpeka would normally start in Term 1 Week 3 or 4. Theatre Sports (limited group at this time), Marimba band and Rock bands have started under the Red level conditions. Orchestra will start next term.

We also have a Cook Island group and Samoan group. These are usually coached by outside professionals (problematic in the Red level).

We are hoping to provide interested students with videos of choreography and songs (Taiōpeka, Samoan, Cook Island Choir, Dance and Boys Performance) in the next few weeks.

If you have a child who is interested in any of these areas please encourage them to speak up when their teachers ask for names.
