Room 9 Visit the Otago Museum
As part of our Year 8 Unit on Pasifika, all Year 8 classes will visit the Otago Museum to take part in the Maori Art and Music Education programme and the Celebrating the Pacific Education Programme.
Nau Mai, Haere Mai, Welcome to Year 8 for 2016.
It's been wonderful to see the Year 8 students return to Tahuna all ready for the year ahead. Classes have been busy settling into routines and getting to know their new role as the Year 8 Leaders around the school. The message of being a fantastic role model and acting in the "Tahuna Way" has been well received and is prevalent in their Year 8's behaviour.
In Year 8 this term all classes are busy preparing for Camps. Rm's 9 and 10 are the first classes away to Waiora in Week 4. Camp is such a wonderful opportunity for the teachers and students to get to know each other and have loads of fun.
All Year 8 classes are heading to the Otago Museum. Students in Room 9 went on Tuesday and thoroughly enjoyed their experience. We learned about the Kava Ceremony from Samoa, the Haircutting Ceremony from the Cook Islands and finally the Fire-walking Ceremony from Fiji. The students participated in role play activities that were a lot of fun.