Epro 8 Grand Final Winners- Nuggies

Lighthouse and waka challenges were the top selections for the grand final challenges. Team members; Jonathan Roy, Sammy Moore, Finn Boucher & Nick Reid.

On Monday the 14th of June, three Tahuna Epro 8 teams travelled to DNI to compete in the Grand Final Challenge. The teams had to decide what challenges they were going to build during this engineering competition.

Popular challenges were the waka and the lighthouse. Two of our teams opted for the waka and one team to build the lighthouse. As teams complete aspects of their build points are awarded. Teams need to be thinking about how to get maximum points, which may mean working through and clocking a project or doing parts of the build and then opting for another challenge.

Throughout the evening the score board was dominated by two Tahuna Teams who were not only competing against the clock but each other to maintain the lead.

At one point both teams were tied for first. Both teams nudged ahead of each other but in the end the Nuggies maintained top spot and were closely followed by The Business Gooses.

Our third team did an amazing job of moving up four placings towards the end of the competition. They made the vital move to stop the challenge they were on and move to another. This was a brave move but ultimately gave them more points and a higher placing.

Well done to all the teams who competed in this year's Epro 8 challenges. 
