Tahuna Zoom with Onerahi in Whāngarei
Ngā Mea Māori Elective from deep down in the South meet Room 14 from way up North, Onerahi, Whāngarei
With the help of Mr Lousley and his connections up North, the children in Ngā Mea Māori elective had the pleasure of Zooming Onerahi Primary School in Whangarei.
After the kaiako shared their mihi, both groups shared a waiata with each other. It was then the turn of the students who each stood up and greeted each other in Te Reo.
Room 14 from Onerahi were super cute and eager to learn from the tuakana of Tahuna. It was lovely to see our Tahuna students role modelling top behaviour and teaching the younger students of Onerahi how to greet and meet in Te Reo Māori.
To finish we played a game sharing instructions in Māori before our new found friends left for interval.
We are really looking forward to continuing this relationship over the term and can't wait to see R14 next week.