Room 14 Tirohanga
Room 14 headed out to sunny Outram for camp last week for 3 days of adventure, team building and fun! We started off our camp with a walk along the Outram Glen track. It was a long walk , but Room 14’s motivation and perseverance paid off as we made it right to the end. It was a very fast sweaty walk back and one quiet bus ride to camp. Following our walk we drove to camp to unpack and try out the waterslide. With a bit of a run up and dishwashing liquid this slide was able to get some speed, even enough to make it off the waterslide. Cooking was an exciting time and everyone had the chance to go on the camp cookers. We were responsible for cooking our nachos, pancakes and burgers. Pancakes were a real hit, with a few uncooked and burnt smells, but overall some delicious looking pancakes smothered in maple syrup. On Monday night we had the star lab, which was very exciting. We watched as the newly launched satellites travelled towards and through Orion's belt. Amedao explained how these satellites would affect night time photography as it takes 30 seconds of exposure to take a night sky photo. With the satellites moving past so consistently all we would end up with would be a line of light. The class had a great time with the confidence course and the wall, using determination and strength to get to the other end. Great teamwork and creativity skills were used to build awesome bivvies up in the forrest. We finished off camp with an exciting game of spotlight, some lovely commando skills down the hill which made the children the overall winners against the adults. We would like to thank all our camp parents and teachers who made our camp fun.
Miss Bates