Extracting real DNA in the Hub!
Who knew you could extract DNA from a strawberry? Well we do now!
Last Wednesday the Hub started our science unit. We first discussed about what science was and about different types of science. We then learned, researched and discussed what DNA was, what its job is and even what DNA stands for .... by the way it stands for deoxyribonucleic acid.
After this we got into our experiment.
We got into groups of 4 and sat at a table while one person was responsible for the equipment. We then got a sheet of paper that you had to record the aim, hypothesis, materials and the method, it needed to be filled out as we went - good scientists will follow this process when they're fair testing.
Mr Min then started handing out ingredients to add to our cup. Our ingredients consisted of strawberries, isopropyl, dishwashing liquid, water and salt. We then mixed most of our ingredients together (leaving the isopropyl for last) and we mushed up our strawberries, pouring the mixture through a strainer. Then we got our tweezers and slowly removed the strawberry DNA . It was a slimy, disgusting looking slime, but it was also really cool too!
It worked !!!!. We all really enjoyed this task and loved learning about science!!!
By Sophia van Heezik