Parent Teacher Catch Ups - Reminder
To book simply go to: and enter the code ja7c9 Bookings close Monday 9am
Teacher Catch Ups will be held on Monday 27th February 3.20 – 8pm and Tuesday 28th February 3.20 – 5.30 pm to discuss your child’s progress so far. Interviews will be 10 minutes in duration. All bookings are done on-line. Simply go to: and enter the code ja7c9 and complete the steps on the website. If you are unable to access the site please contact the school office and we will do the booking for you.
Bookings will close at 3pm on the 24th February.
Please note that Room 15 & 10 will be holding their interviews on the 6th & 7th of March. Those bookings are available also. Miss Lang will be contacting parents of Room 13 students to offer other interview times.