Gold Panning Recount

We learned about the gold rush in Otago and had our own go at panning for gold!

Our class went to the science lab to do gold panning. 

We got split into 4 groups, me and Lewis were in the same group. 

First we read about the gold rush in Otago. Then we moved on and did Education Perfect tasks. We did another task during the gold rush. 

After 10 minutes we moved on to the best of all the gold panning. I got a huge nugget of gold but our group only got 10 grams of gold. We didn't do that well. 

Our last activity was wonder cards, I did one where we had to draw what we thought it looked like back when they did the gold panning. 

I learned a lot and loved our gold rush morning in the science lab!

By Covey Stevenson
