Reports will be emailed home tomorrow - Friday 1 July

Dear Parents/ Caregivers,

The mid-year achievement comments on your child's report are a snapshot of where your child is tracking currently as they work towards the end-of-year expectations.

You may notice a change in your child's achievement level from last year, this is due to the students having a higher level of proficiency required to meet the standards for each year level.  This is to be expected and should not be an area of concern for you.

We look forward to seeing you at the Parent-Teacher Interviews next week.

The interviews will be held on Tuesday 5th July 3.20 – 8pm and Wednesday 6th July 3.20 – 5.30 pm to discuss your child’s progress so far. Interviews will be 10 minutes in duration. All bookings are done online. Simply go to: and enter the code r35dv and complete the steps on the website. If you are unable to access the site please contact the school office and we will do the booking for you.

Bookings will close at 3pm on the 1st July.

Please note that Room 1, 7, 10 and 13 will be holding their interviews in the first week of term 3.