Year 8
Putting on a show!
What a great term!
Our PBL pantomimes were a huge success with our local schools. It was awesome to see our students stepping up. Every performance had something unique to offer. This was such a excellent learning opportunity for students to experience and develop the skills necessary write, direct, create and perform a show! All classes returned to Tahuna buzzing about their show and the preschool and year 1 students loved it.
All but two Year 8 classes managed to make it out to Long Beach for Rock climbing, Room's 10 and 13 will have theirs in weeks 2 and 3 of term 4. A huge thanks to all our parent helps for making this an amazing time for all of our students.
Cross country and athletics day were a great success and it was awesome to so so many students taking part or supporting their peers.
Coming up in term 4
Tahuna Athletics Day Friday 13th October at the Caledonian
Second HPV Tuesday October 17th in the hall
Whole school safety cycling program weeks 1- 4 each class will get 3 sessions.
South Zone Athletics Wednesday November 8th at the Caledonian
Otago Athletics Champs Tuesday November 14th at the Caledonian
High School Orientation Day Friday 17th November
Teacher Only Day - Friday 17th November
A huge thanks to the all staff and parents who have help make Term 3 such an amazing term.
Ngā mihi
Rob Wells
Year 8 Dean