Makey Makeys with Mr Cook-Bonney

By Charley Grubb

On Tuesday, 3rd of August Mr Cook-Bonney came and taught room 5 and 6 about makey makeys. Makey Makeys allow you use anything as a computer, like a part of your body. We used Makey Makeys to make our hands (and other things) as the keys to move to a game called Frogga. In Frogga you have to try to jump along the road avoiding cars then on moving logs.

With a few different coloured cords and our hands we plugged the cords in to a little board and then with the other side of the cord we did something a bit different. We held the cord in our  hand and put that hand above our heads, then the main person who was guiding the frog across the road was just hitting out hands to make it move it.

Then we all swapped round positions and we each got to control the frog and be the forwards, backwards, left and right cord.

It was so much fun and we learned a lot about different types of digital technology. Thanks Mr Cook-Bonney!
