Awesome Tahuna Representation at ANZAC Ceremonies
At the start of this term Room 14 had the pleasure of presenting an ANZAC item to the school which was a fabulous way of concluding it's ANZAC and Treaty of Waitangi units both of which started in Term 1.
The most significant part of the assembly item was how it became a positive and motivating factor in the turnout of so many Tahuna students attending the ANZAC dawn, Andersons Bay and Monticello War Hospital services.
To have 110 students at the Dawn service was a sight to behold many wearing family medals and all singing the National anthem with pride.
Poppies were presented to 100 Veterans grown by children in Room 14 throughout the day and warmly accepted by the vets some even shedding a tear.
It was an awesome experience for all that were involved and a fantastic way of remembering what our brave kiwis did 100 years ago this month.