Role of Principal

Job Description for the appointment of Principal


The position exists to ensure the provision of high quality education to the students of the school.


The Principal will report and be accountable to the school Board of Trustees, (as the Principal’s employer), through the Board Chairperson.

The Principal has the dual role of being a Board Member in his/her own right whilst undertaking the role of the Chief Executive of the school.


The Principal will liaise, when necessary, with educational agencies such as the Ministry of Education, Education Review Office, College of Education, pay roll service, NZSTA.


The Principal is responsible for the successful management and professional leadership of the school by taking direction from the Board, the school charter, and the Board’s policies.


The Principal will:

• assist the Board with the development of the strategic and annual operational plans

• advise the Board on policy, professional, and administrative matters

• implement policies and decisions of the Board

• manage the day-to-day running of the school by:

  • implementing, monitoring, and reporting progress on the educational and operational plans.

  • Ensuring that student educational needs are met and that parents are consulted when necessary and provided with timely advice of students’ progress and achievement

  • Developing, promoting, and monitoring a culture which values and positively encourages learning, competence, achievement, discipline, and high standards of conduct and integrity

  • Developing and maintaining effective relationships with the Board, staff, students, parents and the community

  • Delegating duties and responsibilities to staff and ensuring good communication is maintained within the school

  • Co-ordinating the school’s day-to-day operations

  • Providing and maintaining the school’s facilities, equipment, and educational facilities

  • Controlling, monitoring, and reporting on the school’s finances

• Be responsible for implementing and monitoring policy on staffing and staff performance, appraisal, and development

• To provide the Board with reports and feedback on the achievement of educational, financial, and administrative objectives


The Principal will be required to achieve the above key functions by meeting objectives and professional standards outlined in an annual performance agreement ratified by the Board after consultation with the Principal.

It is expected that the achievement of the key functions by the Principal will result in the Principal managing and leading in a positive and exciting environment for students which will result in a high standard of quality education.

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Chairperson Date

for Board of Trustees

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