Year 7 Swimming Term 3
Swimming dates
The Year 7 students will be going to Moana pool for seven swimming sessions starting Week 2 of the term. The students will be doing a variety of teacher-led lessons as well as the "Just Swim" lesson.
Students are expected to have goggles for their "Just Swim' lessons. We do have a few spare pairs of goggles but are always on the look out for any others. If you have spare goggles at home it would be greatly appreciated if you could send them along with your child.
The Year 7's will be going out in teams and we do require a few extra parents who can swim to join us to help with supervision. If you are able to please let the classroom teacher know your availability and teams will organise a roster to support the swimming sessions.
Lesson dates-
Tuesday Team 1 30/07, 6/08, 13/08, 20/08, 27/08, 3/09, 10/09 (7 sessions)
Wednesday Team 3 31/07, 7/08, 14/08, 21/08, 28/08, 4/09, 11/09 (7 sessions)
Thursday Team 2 1/08, 8/08, (15/08, No lessons due to event), 22/08, 29/08, 5/09, 12/09, 19/09 (7 sessions)