Winter Uniform Reminder
Pride and appearance goes hand in hand with standards, building self-esteem and confidence. Formal uniform and PE are seperate. Hoodies should not be worn as part of
Winter Uniform
Navy polyprops and navy merino undergarments can be worn during winter months underneath uniform. Navy Canterbury trackpants can be worn to and from school and as part of the school uniform. Warm jackets can be worn over the top of uniform to and from school.
P.E. Gear
P.E. uniform, including appropriate sports shoes is to be carried to school daily. P.E. uniform is for P.E. sessions and sporting teams; School hoody is part of the PE and Sport uniform.
School Shoes
Black lace-up leather/leather-looking shoes are regulation uniform. Any trainers/running shoes are suitable for P.E.
Naming Uniform
It is essential that all items of clothing be named. A huge amount of lost property is handed in to the office daily, and can be returned to its owner if clearly named.
General Appearance
No make-up, nail polish or jewellery please. One small plain gold/silver stud in each ear is the only exception.
Hair is to be of natural colour and if long, tied back with a plain hair tie. No colourful headbands, Scrunchies, or clips to be worn.
High Vis Vests
Must be worn when cycling, skating or scootering to school. These are made available to each student that requires one. A small cost will be charged if not returned to the school at the end of the school year.