Reminders from the Office Team
Attendance - leave name, room number and a reason for absence. We also appreciate if planned early pick ups, appointments or late arrivals in the morning are communicated with the office ahead of time rather than making a phone call after 9am.
- please ph 034553994 opt 1
- Text Only Cell 0275311008
- email -
- skool loop app download from your App Store
- Edge App download from your App Store
Face masks please ensure your child brings a face mask to school each day as well as a water bottle to help with the dryness of wearing their masks frequently.
School Uniform please clearly label all uniform. We are very good at returning all named uniform very quickly but we have a lot unclaimed. If you have un-named missing items, please ask your child to call into the office.
As always, if you have any queries, please email or phone the office - Rose & Karyn