The Best Part of Me

For writing this week, we looked at the picture book 'The Best Part of Me'.

This book includes great photography and descriptive writing about the best parts of us and what they help us do. We also used this as a writing activity to help describe ourselves, what we like do and what are our hobbies and interests are. 

The Best Part of Me

The best part of me is my hands because I need and use them for a lot of things like playing the trumpet or table tennis or basketball. I also use them to be a goalie in football. I talk a lot with my hands so that's why I probably find them super important. My hands help me to exaggerate my words without moving your hands your words seem lifeless. It helps with keeping people interested in what I'm saying and it makes my words really pop. The best part of me is my hands.

By Callum Heath Glynn

The Best Part of Me

The best part of me is my head because I can eat fried chicken with it and use my eyes with my head. My head is awfully helpful for math calculations and growing hair to keep me warm. It also helps me blow to increase a fire  and I like the fact that my head controls everything across my body from my arms to my legs to my eyes to my thoughts. My head also helps me stay hydrated by drinking water. My head also helps me hear things. The best part of me is my head. 

By Tommy Green 

The Best Part Of Me

The best part of me is my feet because they help me kick a football. My feet help  run in fitness so I can get into South Zones and I can do the block run. My feet are very helpful to me because they can help me by not letting the opposition score a goal in football. I am very grateful to have my feet.The best part of me is my feet.

By Lewis Rae

The Best Part Of Me

The best part of me is my legs. I use my legs for most of the things I like to do. Some of my favourite things to do are surfing, skating and football. I also use my legs to achieve a lot of things. My legs have helped me to achieve getting my bronze and silver block run badge. That's why the best part of me is my legs.

By Kalani
