Welcome to our 6th Tech option... Dance!

These students have been learning all about dance this week. Rhythm, beat and understanding music have been a big focus, as well as Sasa dancing, Stomp and using sport equipment to make up dances.

"We learnt different types of dances such as Sasa and Stomp. I really liked filming our Stomp video!" (Marcus, Room 5)

"We learnt that dancing can be used to tell a story, like Sasa dancing." (Charlize, Room 4)

"Dance is...... a type of movement, a beat, a story, a way to get fit, going outside your comfort zone, moving your body to a rhythm, style, fun, people can have jobs, it is anything you want it to be. " (Nathaniel, Riley  and Marcus, (Room 5) Ana, Charlize, Harrison, (Room 4))
