Specialist Areas

Students begin their first specialist subject rotation for the year, look through the photos for some excellent action shots as well as some brilliant finished outcomes.

Visual Art

The start of term sees the Year 7 students learning about the elements of art and applying what they have learnt into the symbols of our school values. 

The Year 8 students are showing their skills with shading and creating illusions of overlapping.

It is exciting to see all the students willing to give things a go and smiling at what they’ve produced.


A buzz of excitement in the E-Tech space, as students have been creating products on the laser cutter, experimenting with drones and race cars and even having a go at using VR headsets.

Hard Materials

Students have been learning about safe practice and getting hands on experience with a variety of tools, as they design and create their first projects.

Food Technology

Students have been expanding their skill set, as they prepare a variety of products.

Year 7 students have created pizza, pancakes, scrolls and will move into recipe design for the Arts Evening.

Year 8 students enjoyed creating their own dinner meals, including designing dumplings and poke bowls. They will now move on to exploring foods from around the world.
