ICAS exam information
Here is all the information students and their caregivers need about the upcoming ICAS exams
ICAS exams kick off today with the Science exam being held in the Tahuna hall. Exams will continue to be held while the school remains open. Students will be spaced out by at least 1m at their exam location.
How will ICAS exams be organised?
Each exam is advertised in the Tahuna notices at least three school days before the exam is held. Each ICAS student was also given a timetable with all of the exam dates on it at the start of this term. This is also displayed at school and listed below. Students are reminded on the day of their exam to meet me at the exam location at least 5 minutes before the exam begins. Everything is there waiting for them that they will need for the exam including the devices and one-time log in details.
How can my child prepare for an exam?
Your child can prepare by either accessing the google classroom ICAS group I have created (via the code that was at the bottom of the exam timetable notice); or by visiting the ICAS website and searching the past exam database.
Exam dates:
Science - Mon 17th Aug @ 9am
Digi Tech - Mon 24th Aug @ 11.30am
English - Wed 26th Aug @ 9am
Maths - Mon 31st Aug @ 9am
Spelling - Wed 2nd Sept @ 9am
If you have any further questions or your child will be away for an exam date, please don't hesitate to contact me on: shannonbrawley@tahuna.school.nz
Best of luck to all 65 of our exam sitters - go well.
Shannon Brawley
Head of Extension Activities