Bring Back Our Bus!
We are still very angry and perplexed about the Peninsula Bus situation. Even more puzzling, were the comments from Go Bus South Island Director Nigel Piper in the ODT today.
Go Bus South Island operations director Nigel Piper said Go Bus had operated school services in Port Chalmers and the Otago Peninsula since 2014, on a ''privately run, stand-alone, user pays'' basis.
''Unfortunately, these services have experienced declining patronage over recent years, and are no longer viable to operate.
The decision to stop was taken only after a thorough review and consideration, Mr Piper said.
''A fare increase was applied in 2016. However, this wasn't sufficient to arrest the falls in revenue as passenger numbers decreased.'' ODT 20/9/17 - John Lewis
The Peninsula bus that we share with Kings & Queens is over subscribed. Everyday the bus is full and there are students who have to stand in the aisle all the way to and from Portobello.
How many buses in Dunedin every day have that many passengers travelling on them? If that is not commercially viable then no bus in Dunedin is!
We are working closely with key stakeholders to ensure a service is maintained. Mr Hunter will attend the meeting at the ORC next week.
Families affected please continue to make your voices heard.