Year 7's
Contributing schools enjoyed the pantomimes.
Term three has certainly flown by as we worked on our pantomimes. It was fantastic to have the junior classes from our contributing schools come along and watch their buddy class perform. There was great excitement when the children spotted characters they had suggested, who knew Barbie and Dogman were in Jack and the Beanstalk.
Next term the Year 7's will be taking part in the DCC Bike School Programme. Please see the article about this in this month's newsletter.
Many of our Year 7's have signed up for summer sports and it is great to see so many children taking on new sports and getting more involved within the school.
We we would like to thank Mrs Lott for her great work in Room 1 this term and wish her all the best for the rest of the year. Miss Walsh will be back on deck in term 4.
From all the Year 7 staff, have a lovely holiday break and we look forward to seeing all the children back next term. The children certainly have worked hard this term and deserve a restful break.