Camp Tirohanga
Room 7, camp Tirohanga
What fantastic weather we had out at Tirohanga over the past three days. Monday was full of adventure with the loop walk, ga-ga ball, waterslide and a trip out to the glow worms.
On Tuesday we started our activities which included, bivvy building, treasure map making, giant puzzles, art and the confidence course.
There were some very able builders at bivvy making. One bivvy even had a trapdoor sniper spot. The confidence course was great with many of us completing the course and overcoming the sections we weren't sure of at the start. The giant puzzles were a bit of a challenge, however we managed to make a few letters and a tangram. Our treasure maps we made were then given to another group who had to work out the coordinates to find the treasure.
We were lucky enough to get the waterslide out twice. A new camp record was set by Olivia for distance off the end of the waterslide, she was about 8-10m off the end.
Our stream study was fun, check out Ashton's souvenir. There were flatworms, physa snails, freshwater crayfish, and possibly leeches but we needed a bit more time to identify them.
On Wednesday morning we did a 3D art activity where we needed to recreate the picture we were given. It was fun mixing the colours, moulding the shapes and creatures. The winning groups used great texture and colour blending.
Highlights were cooking, bivvys, stream study and confidence course. Thank you very much to the fantastic parents who came to camp with us. You were great and we really appreciate you coming.